

JavaScript 是一种高级编程语言,通过解释执行,是一门动态类型,面向对象(基于原型)的解释型语言。它已经由ECMA(欧洲电脑制造商协会)通过 ECMAScript 实现语言的标准化。它被世界上的绝大多数网站所使用,也被世界主流浏览器( Chrome、IE、FireFox、Safari、Opera )支持。JavaScript 是一门基于原型、函数先行的语言,是一门多范式的语言,它支持面向对象编程,命令式编程,以及函数式编程。它提供语法来操控文本、数组、日期以及正则表达式等,不支持 I/O,比如网络

排列 | Array
Array 详细
array.@@iterator 详细
Array.@@species 详细
array.@@unscopables 详细
array.concat 详细
array.copyWithin 详细
array.entries 详细
array.every 详细
array.fill 详细
array.filter 详细
array.find 详细
array.findIndex 详细
array.forEach 详细
Array.from 详细
array.includes 详细
array.indexOf 详细
Array.isArray 详细
array.join 详细
array.keys 详细
array.lastIndexOf 详细
Array.length 详细
array.map 详细
Array.of 详细
array.pop 详细
Array.prototype 详细
array.push 详细
array.reduce 详细
array.reduceRight 详细
array.reverse 详细
array.shift 详细
array.slice 详细
array.some 详细
array.sort 详细
array.splice 详细
array.toLocaleString 详细
array.toString 详细
array.unshift 详细
array.values 详细
数列缓冲 | ArrayBuffer
ArrayBuffer 详细
ArrayBuffer.@@species 详细
arrayBuffer.byteLength 详细
ArrayBuffer.isView 详细
ArrayBuffer.prototype 详细
arrayBuffer.slice 详细
ArrayBuffer.transfer 详细
Atomics 详细
Atomics.add 详细
Atomics.and 详细
Atomics.compareExchange 详细
Atomics.exchange 详细
Atomics.isLockFree 详细
Atomics.load 详细
Atomics.or 详细
Atomics.store 详细
Atomics.sub 详细
Atomics.wait 详细
Atomics.wake 详细
Atomics.xor 详细
布尔型 | Boolean
Boolean 详细
Boolean.prototype 详细
boolean.toString 详细
boolean.valueOf 详细
类 | Classes
Classes 详细
constructor 详细
extends 详细
static 详细
数据 | DataView
DataView 详细
dataView.buffer 详细
dataView.byteLength 详细
dataView.byteOffset 详细
dataView.getFloat32 详细
dataView.getFloat64 详细
dataView.getInt16 详细
dataView.getInt32 详细
dataView.getInt8 详细
dataView.getUint16 详细
dataView.getUint32 详细
dataView.getUint8 详细
DataView.prototype 详细
dataView.setFloat32 详细
dataView.setFloat64 详细
dataView.setInt16 详细
dataView.setInt32 详细
dataView.setInt8 详细
dataView.setUint16 详细
dataView.setUint32 详细
dataView.setUint8 详细
日期 | Date
Date 详细
date.@@toPrimitive 详细
date.getDate 详细
date.getDay 详细
date.getFullYear 详细
date.getHours 详细
date.getMilliseconds 详细
date.getMinutes 详细
date.getMonth 详细
date.getSeconds 详细
date.getTime 详细
date.getTimezoneOffset 详细
date.getUTCDate 详细
date.getUTCDay 详细
date.getUTCFullYear 详细
date.getUTCHours 详细
date.getUTCMilliseconds 详细
date.getUTCMinutes 详细
date.getUTCMonth 详细
date.getUTCSeconds 详细
Date.now 详细
Date.parse 详细
Date.prototype 详细
date.setDate 详细
date.setFullYear 详细
date.setHours 详细
date.setMilliseconds 详细
date.setMinutes 详细
date.setMonth 详细
date.setSeconds 详细
date.setTime 详细
date.setUTCDate 详细
date.setUTCFullYear 详细
date.setUTCHours 详细
date.setUTCMilliseconds 详细
date.setUTCMinutes 详细
date.setUTCMonth 详细
date.setUTCSeconds 详细
date.toDateString 详细
date.toISOString 详细
date.toJSON 详细
date.toLocaleDateString 详细
date.toLocaleString 详细
date.toLocaleTimeString 详细
date.toString 详细
date.toTimeString 详细
date.toUTCString 详细
Date.UTC 详细
date.valueOf 详细
错误 | Errors
Error 详细
error.message 详细
error.name 详细
Error.prototype 详细
error.toString 详细
Errors 详细
Errors: Already has pragma 详细
Errors: Array sort argument 详细
Errors: Bad octal 详细
Errors: Bad radix 详细
Errors: Bad regexp flag 详细
Errors: Bad return or yield 详细
Errors: Called on incompatible type 详细
Errors: Cant access lexical declaration before init 详细
Errors: Cant define property object not extensible 详细
Errors: Cant delete 详细
Errors: Cant redefine property 详细
Errors: Cyclic object value 详细
Errors: Dead object 详细
Errors: Delete in strict mode 详细
Errors: Deprecated caller or arguments usage 详细
Errors: Deprecated expression closures 详细
Errors: Deprecated octal 详细
Errors: Deprecated source map pragma 详细
Errors: Deprecated String generics 详细
Errors: Deprecated toLocaleFormat 详细
Errors: Equal as assign 详细
Errors: For-each-in loops are deprecated 详细
Errors: Getter only 详细
Errors: Identifier after number 详细
Errors: Illegal character 详细
Errors: in operator no object 详细
Errors: Invalid array length 详细
Errors: Invalid assignment left-hand side 详细
Errors: Invalid const assignment 详细
Errors: Invalid date 详细
Errors: Invalid for-in initializer 详细
Errors: Invalid for-of initializer 详细
Errors: JSON bad parse 详细
Errors: Malformed formal parameter 详细
Errors: Malformed URI 详细
Errors: Missing bracket after list 详细
Errors: Missing colon after property id 详细
Errors: Missing curly after function body 详细
Errors: Missing curly after property list 详细
Errors: Missing formal parameter 详细
Errors: Missing initializer in const 详细
Errors: Missing name after dot operator 详细
Errors: Missing parenthesis after argument list 详细
Errors: Missing parenthesis after condition 详细
Errors: Missing semicolon before statement 详细
Errors: More arguments needed 详细
Errors: Negative repetition count 详细
Errors: No non-null object 详细
Errors: No properties 详细
Errors: No variable name 详细
Errors: Non configurable array element 详细
Errors: Not a codepoint 详细
Errors: Not a constructor 详细
Errors: Not a function 详细
Errors: Not defined 详细
Errors: Precision range 详细
Errors: Property access denied 详细
Errors: Read-only 详细
Errors: Redeclared parameter 详细
Errors: Reserved identifier 详细
Errors: Resulting string too large 详细
Errors: Stmt after return 详细
Errors: Strict Non Simple Params 详细
Errors: Too much recursion 详细
Errors: Typed array invalid arguments 详细
Errors: Undeclared var 详细
Errors: Undefined prop 详细
Errors: Unexpected token 详细
Errors: Unexpected type 详细
Errors: Unnamed function statement 详细
Errors: Unterminated string literal 详细
Errors: Var hides argument 详细
EvalError 详细
EvalError.prototype 详细
RangeError 详细
RangeError.prototype 详细
ReferenceError 详细
ReferenceError.prototype 详细
SyntaxError 详细
SyntaxError.prototype 详细
TypeError 详细
TypeError.prototype 详细
URIError 详细
URIError.prototype 详细
函数 | Function
arguments 详细
arguments.@@iterator 详细
arguments.callee 详细
arguments.caller 详细
arguments.length 详细
Arrow functions 详细
AsyncFunction 详细
AsyncFunction.prototype 详细
Default parameters 详细
Function 详细
function.apply 详细
function.bind 详细
function.call 详细
Function.length 详细
function.name 详细
Function.prototype 详细
function.toString 详细
Functions 详细
GeneratorFunction 详细
GeneratorFunction.prototype 详细
get 详细
Method definitions 详细
rest parameters 详细
set 详细
发生器 | Generator
Generator 详细
generator.next 详细
generator.return 详细
generator.throw 详细
全球对象 | Global Objects
decodeURI 详细
decodeURIComponent 详细
encodeURI 详细
encodeURIComponent 详细
escape 详细
eval 详细
Float32Array 详细
Float64Array 详细
Infinity 详细
Int16Array 详细
Int32Array 详细
Int8Array 详细
isFinite 详细
isNaN 详细
NaN 详细
null 详细
parseFloat 详细
parseInt 详细
Proxy 详细
Uint16Array 详细
Uint32Array 详细
Uint8Array 详细
Uint8ClampedArray 详细
undefined 详细
unescape 详细
WebAssembly 详细
Intl 详细
Intl.Collator 详细
Intl.collator.compare 详细
Intl.Collator.prototype 详细
Intl.collator.resolvedOptions 详细
Intl.Collator.supportedLocalesOf 详细
Intl.DateTimeFormat 详细
Intl.dateTimeFormat.format 详细
Intl.dateTimeFormat.formatToParts 详细
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype 详细
Intl.dateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions 详细
Intl.DateTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf 详细
Intl.getCanonicalLocales 详细
Intl.NumberFormat 详细
Intl.numberFormat.format 详细
Intl.NumberFormat.prototype 详细
Intl.numberFormat.resolvedOptions 详细
Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf 详细
JSON.parse 详细
JSON.stringify 详细
Map 详细
map.@@iterator 详细
Map.@@species 详细
map.@@toStringTag 详细
map.clear 详细
map.delete 详细
map.entries 详细
map.forEach 详细
map.get 详细
map.has 详细
map.keys 详细
Map.prototype 详细
map.set 详细
map.size 详细
map.values 详细
Math 详细
Math.abs 详细
Math.acos 详细
Math.acosh 详细
Math.asin 详细
Math.asinh 详细
Math.atan 详细
Math.atan2 详细
Math.atanh 详细
Math.cbrt 详细
Math.ceil 详细
Math.clz32 详细
Math.cos 详细
Math.cosh 详细
Math.E 详细
Math.exp 详细
Math.expm1 详细
Math.floor 详细
Math.fround 详细
Math.hypot 详细
Math.imul 详细
Math.LN10 详细
Math.LN2 详细
Math.log 详细
Math.log10 详细
Math.LOG10E 详细
Math.log1p 详细
Math.log2 详细
Math.LOG2E 详细
Math.max 详细
Math.min 详细
Math.PI 详细
Math.pow 详细
Math.random 详细
Math.round 详细
Math.sign 详细
Math.sin 详细
Math.sinh 详细
Math.sqrt 详细
Math.SQRT1_2 详细
Math.SQRT2 详细
Math.tan 详细
Math.tanh 详细
Math.trunc 详细
其他 | Miscellaneous
About 详细
Iteration protocols 详细
Lexical grammar 详细
Strict mode 详细
Strict mode: Transitioning to strict mode 详细
Template literals 详细
Number 详细
Number.EPSILON 详细
Number.isFinite 详细
Number.isInteger 详细
Number.isNaN 详细
Number.isSafeInteger 详细
Number.MAX_VALUE 详细
Number.MIN_VALUE 详细
Number.NaN 详细
Number.parseFloat 详细
Number.parseInt 详细
Number.prototype 详细
number.toExponential 详细
number.toFixed 详细
number.toLocaleString 详细
number.toPrecision 详细
number.toString 详细
number.valueOf 详细
对象 | Object
Object 详细
Object.assign 详细
object.constructor 详细
Object.create 详细
Object.defineProperties 详细
Object.defineProperty 详细
Object.entries 详细
Object.freeze 详细
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor 详细
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors 详细
Object.getOwnPropertyNames 详细
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols 详细
Object.getPrototypeOf 详细
object.hasOwnProperty 详细
Object.is 详细
Object.isExtensible 详细
Object.isFrozen 详细
object.isPrototypeOf 详细
Object.isSealed 详细
Object.keys 详细
Object.preventExtensions 详细
object.propertyIsEnumerable 详细
Object.proto 详细
Object.prototype 详细
Object.seal 详细
Object.setPrototypeOf 详细
object.toLocaleString 详细
object.toString 详细
object.unwatch 详细
object.valueOf 详细
Object.values 详细
object.watch 详细
object.__defineGetter__ 详细
object.__defineSetter__ 详细
Arithmetic Operators 详细
Array comprehensions 详细
Assignment Operators 详细
async function 详细
await 详细
Bitwise Operators 详细
class 详细
Comma Operator 详细
Comparison Operators 详细
Conditional Operator 详细
delete 详细
Destructuring assignment 详细
Expression closures 详细
function 详细
function* 详细
Generator comprehensions 详细
Grouping 详细
in 详细
instanceof 详细
Logical Operators 详细
new 详细
new.target 详细
Object initializer 详细
Operator Precedence 详细
Property Accessors 详细
Spread operator 详细
super 详细
this 详细
typeof 详细
void 详细
yield 详细
yield* 详细
Promise.all 详细
promise.catch 详细
Promise.prototype 详细
Promise.race 详细
Promise.reject 详细
Promise.resolve 详细
promise.then 详细
Reflect.apply 详细
Reflect.construct 详细
Reflect.defineProperty 详细
Reflect.deleteProperty 详细
Reflect.get 详细
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor 详细
Reflect.getPrototypeOf 详细
Reflect.has 详细
Reflect.isExtensible 详细
Reflect.ownKeys 详细
Reflect.preventExtensions 详细
Reflect.set 详细
Reflect.setPrototypeOf 详细
regExp.@@match 详细
regExp.@@replace 详细
regExp.@@search 详细
RegExp.@@species 详细
regExp.@@split 详细
regExp.exec 详细
regExp.flags 详细
regExp.global 详细
regExp.ignoreCase 详细
regExp.lastIndex 详细
regExp.multiline 详细
RegExp.prototype 详细
regExp.source 详细
regExp.sticky 详细
regExp.test 详细
regExp.toString 详细
regExp.unicode 详细
sharedArrayBuffer.byteLength 详细
SharedArrayBuffer.prototype 详细
sharedArrayBuffer.slice 详细
SIMD.abs 详细
SIMD.add 详细
SIMD.addSaturate 详细
SIMD.allTrue 详细
SIMD.and 详细
SIMD.anyTrue 详细
SIMD.Bool16x8 详细
SIMD.Bool32x4 详细
SIMD.Bool64x2 详细
SIMD.Bool8x16 详细
SIMD.check 详细
SIMD.div 详细
SIMD.equal 详细
SIMD.extractLane 详细
SIMD.Float32x4 详细
SIMD.Float64x2 详细
SIMD.fromFloat32x4 详细
SIMD.fromFloat32x4Bits 详细
SIMD.fromFloat64x2Bits 详细
SIMD.fromInt16x8Bits 详细
SIMD.fromInt32x4 详细
SIMD.fromInt32x4Bits 详细
SIMD.fromInt8x16Bits 详细
SIMD.fromUint16x8Bits 详细
SIMD.fromUint32x4 详细
SIMD.fromUint32x4Bits 详细
SIMD.fromUint8x16Bits 详细
SIMD.greaterThan 详细
SIMD.greaterThanOrEqual 详细
SIMD.Int16x8 详细
SIMD.Int32x4 详细
SIMD.Int8x16 详细
SIMD.lessThan 详细
SIMD.lessThanOrEqual 详细
SIMD.load 详细
SIMD.max 详细
SIMD.maxNum 详细
SIMD.min 详细
SIMD.minNum 详细
SIMD.mul 详细
SIMD.neg 详细
SIMD.not 详细
SIMD.notEqual 详细
SIMD.or 详细
SIMD.reciprocalApproximation 详细
SIMD.reciprocalSqrtApproximation 详细
SIMD.replaceLane 详细
SIMD.select 详细
SIMD.shiftLeftByScalar 详细
SIMD.shiftRightByScalar 详细
SIMD.shuffle 详细
SIMD.splat 详细
SIMD.sqrt 详细
SIMD.store 详细
SIMD.sub 详细
SIMD.subSaturate 详细
SIMD.swizzle 详细
sIMD.toString 详细
SIMD.Uint16x8 详细
SIMD.Uint32x4 详细
SIMD.Uint8x16 详细
sIMD.valueOf 详细
SIMD.xor 详细
声明 | Statements
block 详细
break 详细
const 详细
continue 详细
debugger 详细
default 详细
do...while 详细
Empty 详细
export 详细
for 详细
for each...in 详细
for...in 详细
for...of 详细
if...else 详细
import 详细
label 详细
let 详细
return 详细
switch 详细
throw 详细
try...catch 详细
var 详细
while 详细
with 详细
字符串 | String
String 详细
string.@@iterator 详细
string.charAt 详细
string.charCodeAt 详细
string.codePointAt 详细
string.concat 详细
string.endsWith 详细
String.fromCharCode 详细
String.fromCodePoint 详细
string.includes 详细
string.indexOf 详细
string.lastIndexOf 详细
string.length 详细
string.localeCompare 详细
string.match 详细
string.normalize 详细
string.padEnd 详细
string.padStart 详细
String.prototype 详细
String.raw 详细
string.repeat 详细
string.replace 详细
string.search 详细
string.slice 详细
string.split 详细
string.startsWith 详细
string.substr 详细
string.substring 详细
string.toLocaleLowerCase 详细
string.toLocaleUpperCase 详细
string.toLowerCase 详细
string.toString 详细
string.toUpperCase 详细
string.trim 详细
string.valueOf 详细
符号 | Symbol
Symbol 详细
symbol.@@toPrimitive 详细
Symbol.for 详细
Symbol.hasInstance 详细
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable 详细
Symbol.iterator 详细
Symbol.keyFor 详细
Symbol.match 详细
Symbol.prototype 详细
Symbol.replace 详细
Symbol.search 详细
Symbol.species 详细
Symbol.split 详细
Symbol.toPrimitive 详细
symbol.toString 详细
Symbol.toStringTag 详细
Symbol.unscopables 详细
symbol.valueOf 详细
typedArray.@@iterator 详细
TypedArray.@@species 详细
typedArray.buffer 详细
typedArray.byteLength 详细
typedArray.byteOffset 详细
typedArray.copyWithin 详细
typedArray.entries 详细
typedArray.every 详细
typedArray.fill 详细
typedArray.filter 详细
typedArray.find 详细
typedArray.findIndex 详细
typedArray.forEach 详细
TypedArray.from 详细
typedArray.includes 详细
typedArray.indexOf 详细
typedArray.join 详细
typedArray.keys 详细
typedArray.lastIndexOf 详细
typedArray.length 详细
typedArray.map 详细
TypedArray.name 详细
TypedArray.of 详细
TypedArray.prototype 详细
typedArray.reduce 详细
typedArray.reduceRight 详细
typedArray.reverse 详细
typedArray.set 详细
typedArray.slice 详细
typedArray.some 详细
typedArray.sort 详细
typedArray.subarray 详细
typedArray.toLocaleString 详细
typedArray.toString 详细
typedArray.values 详细
weakMap.delete 详细
weakMap.get 详细
weakMap.has 详细
WeakMap.prototype 详细
weakMap.set 详细
weakSet.add 详细
weakSet.delete 详细
weakSet.has 详细
WeakSet.prototype 详细