
React native参考手册

React Native 是一个 JavaScript 的框架,用来撰写实时的、可原生呈现 iOS 和 Android 的应用。

开始 | Getting Started
Handling Text Input 详细
Handling Touches 详细
Height and Width 详细
Layout with Flexbox 详细
Learn the Basics 详细
Networking 详细
Props 详细
State 详细
Style 详细
Using a ScrollView 详细
Using List Views 详细
指南 | Guides
Accessibility 详细
Animations 详细
Color Reference 详细
Components and APIs 详细
Debugging 详细
Direct Manipulation 详细
Gesture Responder System 详细
Images 详细
Improving User Experience 详细
Integration with Existing Apps 详细
JavaScript Environment 详细
Navigating Between Screens 详细
Performance 详细
Platform Specific Code 详细
Running On Device 详细
Timers 详细
Upgrading to new React Native versions 详细
AccessibilityInfo 详细
ActionSheetIOS 详细
Alert 详细
AlertIOS 详细
Animated 详细
AppRegistry 详细
AppState 详细
AsyncStorage 详细
BackAndroid 详细
BackHandler 详细
CameraRoll 详细
Clipboard 详细
DatePickerAndroid 详细
Dimensions 详细
Easing 详细
Geolocation 详细
ImageEditor 详细
ImagePickerIOS 详细
ImageStore 详细
ImageStylePropTypes 详细
InteractionManager 详细
Keyboard 详细
Layout Props 详细
LayoutAnimation 详细
Linking 详细
NetInfo 详细
PanResponder 详细
PermissionsAndroid 详细
PixelRatio 详细
PushNotificationIOS 详细
Settings 详细
Shadow Props 详细
Share 详细
StatusBarIOS 详细
StyleSheet 详细
Systrace 详细
TextStylePropTypes 详细
TimePickerAndroid 详细
ToastAndroid 详细
Vibration 详细
VibrationIOS 详细
ViewPropTypes 详细
ViewStylePropTypes 详细
组件:ActivityIndicator | Components: ActivityIndicator
ActivityIndicator 详细
组件:按钮 | Components: Button
Button 详细
组件:CheckBox | Components: CheckBox
CheckBox 详细
组件:DatePickerIOS | Components: DatePickerIOS
DatePickerIOS 详细
组件:DrawerLayoutAndroid | Components: DrawerLayoutAndroid
DrawerLayoutAndroid 详细
组件:FlatList | Components: FlatList
FlatList 详细
组件:图像 | Components: Image
Image 详细
组件:KeyboardAvoidingView | Components: KeyboardAvoidingView
KeyboardAvoidingView 详细
Components: ListView
ListView 详细
Components: MaskedViewIOS
MaskedViewIOS 详细
Components: Modal
Modal 详细
Components: NavigatorIOS
NavigatorIOS 详细
Components: Picker
Picker 详细
Components: PickerIOS
PickerIOS 详细
Components: ProgressBarAndroid
ProgressBarAndroid 详细
Components: ProgressViewIOS
ProgressViewIOS 详细
Components: RefreshControl
RefreshControl 详细
Components: ScrollView
ScrollView 详细
Components: SectionList
SectionList 详细
Components: SegmentedControlIOS
SegmentedControlIOS 详细
Components: Slider
Slider 详细
Components: SnapshotViewIOS
SnapshotViewIOS 详细
Components: StatusBar
StatusBar 详细
Components: Switch
Switch 详细
Components: TabBarIOS
TabBarIOS 详细
Components: TabBarIOS.Item
TabBarIOS.Item 详细
Components: Text
Text 详细
Components: TextInput
TextInput 详细
Components: ToolbarAndroid
ToolbarAndroid 详细
Components: TouchableHighlight
TouchableHighlight 详细
Components: TouchableNativeFeedback
TouchableNativeFeedback 详细
Components: TouchableOpacity
TouchableOpacity 详细
Components: TouchableWithoutFeedback
TouchableWithoutFeedback 详细
Components: View
View 详细
Components: ViewPagerAndroid
ViewPagerAndroid 详细
Components: VirtualizedList
VirtualizedList 详细
Components: WebView
WebView 详细
创建 | Contributing
How to Contribute 详细
Testing your Changes 详细
Understanding the CLI 详细
What to Expect from Maintainers 详细
指南(Android) | Guides (Android)
Building React Native from source 详细
Generating Signed APK 详细
Headless JS 详细
Native Modules 详细
Native UI Components 详细
指南(IOS) | Guides (iOS)
App Extensions 详细
Building For Apple TV 详细
Communication between native and React Native 详细
Linking Libraries 详细
Running On Simulator 详细
其他 | Miscellaneous
ListViewDataSource 详细

React native资料

主页 https://facebook.github.io/react-native/
源码 https://github.com/facebook/react-native
发布版本 0.49