

图像值 | Image Values

径向梯度 | radial-gradient()

The radial-gradient() CSS function creates an <image> which represents a progressive transition between two or more colors radiating from an origin (the center of the gradient). Its shape may be a circle or an ellipse.

/* A gradient at the center of its container,
   starting red, changing to blue, and finishing green */
radial-gradient(circle at center, red 0, blue, green 100%)

As with any gradient, a radial gradient has no intrinsic dimensions; i.e., it has no natural or preferred size, nor a preferred ratio. Its concrete size will match the size of the element it applies to.

To create a radial-gradient that repeats so as to fill its container, use the repeating-radial-gradient() function instead.

Usage note: Because <gradient>s belong to the <image> data type, they can only be used where <image>s can be used. For this reason, radial-gradient() won't work on background-color and other properties that use the <color> data type.

Composition of a radial gradient

径向梯度  |  radial-gradient()

A radial gradient is defined by a center point, an ending shape, and two or more color-stop points.

To create a smooth gradient, the radial-gradient() function draws a series of concentric shapes radiating out from the center to the ending shape (and potentially beyond). The ending shape may be either a circle or an ellipse.

Color-stop points are positioned on a virtual gradient ray that extends horizontally from the center towards the right. Percentage-based color-stop positions are relative to the intersection between the ending shape and this gradient ray, which represents 100%. Each shape is a single color determined by the color on the gradient ray it intersects.



<position>The position of the gradient, interpreted in the same way as background-position or transform-origin. If unspecified, it defaults to center.<shape>The gradient's shape. The value can be circle (meaning that the gradient's shape is a circle with constant radius) or ellipse (meaning that the shape is an axis-aligned ellipse). If unspecified, it defaults to ellipse.<extent-keyword>A keyword describing how big the ending shape must be. The possible keywords are:




The gradient's ending shape meets the side of the box closest to its center (for circles) or meets both the vertical and horizontal sides closest to the center (for ellipses).


The gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets the closest corner of the box from its center.


Similar to closest-side, except the ending shape is sized to meet the side of the box farthest from its center (or vertical and horizontal sides).


The gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets the farthest corner of the box from its center.

Note: Early implementations of this function included other keywords (cover and contain) as synonyms of the standard farthest-corner and closest-side, respectively. Use the standard keywords only, as some implementations have already dropped those older variants.

<color-stop>A color-stop's <color> value, followed by an optional stop position (either a <percentage> or a <length> along the gradient's axis). A percentage of 0%, or a length of 0, represents the center of the gradient; the value 100% represents the intersection of the ending shape with the virtual gradient ray. Percentage values in between are linearly positioned on the gradient ray.

Formal syntax

  [ [ circle || <length> ]                         [ at <position> ]? , |
    [ ellipse || [ <length> | <percentage> ]{2} ]  [ at <position> ]? , |
    [ [ circle | ellipse ] || <extent-keyword> ]   [ at <position> ]? , |
    at <position> ,
  <color-stop> [ , <color-stop> ]+
where <extent-keyword> = closest-corner | closest-side | farthest-corner | farthest-side
  and <color-stop>     = <color> [ <percentage> | <length> ]? 

Example 1

Using the following CSS we can get an ellipse background in the farthest-corner at 45px 45px, changing color from Turquoise (#00FFFF), to White, to Blue (#0000FF):

body {
  width: 100vh;
  height: 100vh;
  background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at 45px 45px , #00FFFF 0%, rgba(0, 0, 255, 0) 50%, #0000FF 95%);

Example 2

This will produce an ellipse background in the farthest-corner at 470px 45px, changing color from Yellow (#FFFF80), to Pale Maroon, to Pale Blue (#E6E6FF):

body {
  width: 100vh;
  height: 100vh;
  background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at 470px 47px , #FFFF80 20%, rgba(204, 153, 153, 0.4) 30%, #E6E6FF 60%);

Example 3

This will produce an ellipse background in the farthest-corner at 45px 45px, changing color from Red (#FF0000) to Blue (#0000FF):

body {
  width: 100vh;
  height: 100vh;
  background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 45px 45px , #FF0000 0%, #0000FF 100%);

Example 4

This will produce a fuzzy circle with a 16px radius:

body {
  width: 100vh;
  height: 100vh;
  background-image: radial-gradient(16px at 60px 50% , #000000 0%, #000000 14px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 18px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 19px); 





CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3The definition of 'radial-gradients()' in that specification.

Candidate Recommendation

Initial definition.



Firefox (Gecko)


Internet Explorer



Basic support (on background and background-image)

3.6 (1.9.2)-moz1 16 (16)

10.0 (534.16)-webkit2




On border-image

29 (29)





On any other property that accept <image>

No support





Legacy webkit syntax

No support


No support

No support


at syntax (final standard syntax)

10 (10)-moz1 16 (16)4



11.60-o2 2.12

No support

Interpolation hints/gradient midpoints (a percent without a color)

36 (36)





Firefox Mobile (Gecko)

IE Phone

Opera Mobile

Safari Mobile

Basic support (on background and background-image)


1.0 (1.9.2)-moz1 16.0 (16)




On border-image


29.0 (29)




On any other property that accept <image>

No support





Legacy webkit syntax


No support




at syntax (final standard syntax)


10.0 (10)-moz1 16.0 (16)





层叠样式表( Cascading Style Sheets )是一种用来表现 HTML 或 XML 等文件样式的计算机语言。CSS 不仅可以静态地修饰网页,还可以配合各种脚本语言动态地对网页各元素进行格式化。


1.动画和转换 | Animations & Transitions
2.背景和边框 | Backgrounds & Borders
3.基本框模型 | Basic Box Model
4.基本用户界面 | Basic User Interface
5.框对齐 | Box Alignment
6. 级联和继承 | Cascading & Inheritance
7.颜色 | Color
8. 合成与混合 | Compositing & Blending
9.条件和规则 | Conditional Rules
10.计数器样式 | Counter Styles
11.设备适配 | Device Adaptation
12.扩展 | Extensions
13.滤镜效果 | Filter Effects
14.灵活的框布局 | Flexible Box Layout
15.字体 | Fonts
16.片段模块 | Fragmentation
17.全屏 API | Fullscreen API
18. 生成内容 | Generated Content
19.网格布局 | Grid Layout
20.图像值 | Image Values
21.初始线格局 | Inline Layout
22.列表和计数器 | Lists & Counters
23.逻辑属性 | Logical Properties
24.面具 | Masking
25.媒体查询 | Media Queries
26.杂项 | Miscellaneous
27.Miscellaneous Level 1
28.Miscellaneous Level 2
29.运动路径 | Motion Path
30. 多列布局 | Multi-column Layout
31.命名空间 | Namespaces
32.项目模型 | Object Model View
33.网页媒体 | Paged Media
34.定位布局 | Positioned Layout
35.伪元素 | Pseudo-
36.节奏大小 | Rhythmic Sizing
37. Ruby布局 | Ruby Layout
38.可缩放矢量图形 | Scalable Vector Graphics
39.滚动快照 | Scroll Snap
40.选择 | Selectors
41.形状 | Shapes
42.文本 | Text
43.文字装饰 | Text Decoration
44.变换 | Transforms
45.值和单位 | Values & Units
46.变量 | Variables
47.写入模型 | Writing Modes
48.CSS 教程
49.CSS 创建
50.CSS Id 和 Class选择器
51.CSS 简介
52.CSS 盒子模型
53.CSS Table(表格)
54.CSS 列表样式(ul)
55.CSS 链接(link)
56.CSS Fonts(字体)
57.CSS Text(文本)
58.CSS Backgrounds(背景)
59.CSS Display(显示) 与 Visibility(可见性)
60.CSS 尺寸 (Dimension)
61.CSS 分组和嵌套
62.CSS 轮廓(outline)属性
63.CSS Border(边框)
64.CSS 图像透明/不透明
65.CSS 导航栏
66.CSS 伪元素
67.CSS 伪类
68.CSS Float(浮动)
69.CSS Position(定位)
70.CSS 总结
71.CSS 属性选择器
72.CSS 媒体类型
73.CSS 图像拼合技术
74.CSS 实例
75.CSS 组合选择符
76.响应式 Web 设计 – 框架
77.响应式 Web 设计 – 视频(Video)
78.CSS 提示工具(Tooltip)
79.CSS 布局 Overflow
80.CSS 计数器
81.CSS 表单